Kids are awful aren't they? I mean, you get to 28, 29, 30, you want to get married and have a family. But for all the 16 - 26 year olds, having a kid has to suck. What really leaves me dumbfounded are girls that are 22 and have 3 fucking kids. Seriously, are you really that fucking stupid? To start, You had your first kid at 16, you are probably poor as shit, and fairly dumb. So you're poor and dumb, and on top of that you're most likely not related to Donald Trump or the Hiltons, so your family is hurt financially and emotionally, because you can't afford to take care of your own mistake - (I calls 'em like I sees 'em). The odds of you finding someone you're going to be with for the rest of your life is somthing close to 1 out of 55,000, so your going to be a single mother. I hate to be a complete dick, (wait, no I dont, I love being a dick) but I hate all of you. Contraceptives are readily availble to people of any age in todays society. But no, you fuck, fuck up, raise your kids to be as dumb as you, and drain the system - since in 8/10 cases you inevitably end up needing government assistance to take care of your useless brood. And after one kid, PEOPLE STILL DON'T SMARTEN UP. It's unbelievable how many stupid, poor people have too many kids and too little money or common sense. People who find me funny, have probably seen Idiocracy -- it has begun, it is happening right now, lets sterilize all the dumb shit heads before it's to late and we're dealing with a useless federal governement and TV shows about people getting hit the nuts - Oh fuck, maybe it's already too late now.
Case in Point: My 4th contender for Mom Of the Year.

Oh jeses, I hope we're not witnessing the beginning of another mistake. For fucks sake all they have to do is turn their heads, see the baby, and think, "Oh yeah, this is what got us in to trouble the first time. Find a fucking condom at least, please. For the sake of humanity, I really hope his dick falls off.
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