Wednesday, June 9, 2010

America, land of the free, if you can pay for that freedom.

Lindsay Lohan is on probation from 2 sets of charges of cocaine possession and driving under the influence.. Yup, just probation. Sunday night her SCRAM bracelet was activated because there was alcohol in her system, a direct violation of her probation. It registered five different violations. Yup Five.

Is Lindsay going to jail? Take a wild guess.

Lindsay was on probation when she failed to appear in court last month. At that point, Judge Revel revoked her probation and set bail at $100,000. In return for bail, Lindsay promised to appear for a hearing on the probation violation . Because of the SCRAM incident, the $100,000 bail has now been forfeited. Instead of throwing Lindsay in jail pending the July hearing, the judge is allowing her to post new bail — set at $200,000, so she can remain free, yup free.

So, of course, she suffered no consequences for breaking the law, once again. And now she’s right back on twitter…

- i did not violate anything .. at all
- poeple just won’t leave me be though and accept i’m happy and well
- u are so right. It is just unfortunate and unfair because it distracts from the fact & the truth that i’m in such a good place
- how insane are these accusations?!


I like how Lindsay considers a medical test to be an “accusation”. The SCRAM detects alcohol in a persons sweat. It’s not personal.

America, yup, seems about right.

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