Bible thumpers use the bible to denounce homosexuality. "Homosexuality is a sin, it says it in the bible". Ok..., but so is not treating you body like a temple (fatties, sluts, tattoos, peircings, kinky sex), and women should have their head covered (Dont people hate on the muslims for that?) And in Deuteronomy, a marrige is only valid if the women is a virgin (Bye bye marrige), and she should be executed if she is not (Bye bye sex). And it says anyone who commits adultery should be stoned to death (Bye bye pro athletes and pretty much all celebrities). In Mark, divorce is prohibited (Go bang down Larry fucking Kings door now).
I assume for homosexuality, people are usually referring to Leviticus 18:6 - "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female" (Vague as fuck if you ask me). A similar verse occurs two chapters later, in Leviticus 20:13 - "A man who sleeps with another man is an abomination and should be executed."
Leviticus is a holiness code written about 3000 years ago (By men, not by God). It also includes prohibitions against round hair cuts, tattoos, working on the Sabbath (Fuck, there goes time and a half), wearing garments of mixed fabrics (Fuck, and now they want me to be naked at work), eating pork or shellfish (As you know if you follow me, I fucking love bacon), getting your fortune told, and even playing with the skin of a pig (Fuck, even football goes against the good book. What the fuck was ok to do back then?).

I've lived my life as a devout catholic, but not a fucking blind one. People need to realize the bible was written by MEN, it wasn't forged from jesus' cross by god and came exploding out of a volcano one day, it was written and EDITED by MEN. The Bible is a patchwork quilt of ancient scriptures -- written by people who believed the world was flat, women were inferior, and Methusela lived 900 years. Today's Bible was strung together centuries after any of its authors or subjects walked the Earth. It is literature, not God's word.
Feel free to have faith, I do, but remember the actual important parts of the bible. Lets be real and agree that most of the stories in the bible are at least a bit embellished (and thats me being generous) - What matters is the love, charity, kindness, and goodness to all men that the bible preaches.
People can't let it go. Probably because you're all actually fucking fags now stop being dickheads.

^^^Fred Phelps, who in my opinion is one the biggest peices of crap alive. He is one of the biggest voices against homosexuality (Although, I dont think anybody actually listens to the asshole). Even two of his sons think he is a peice of shit. Think about it, do you really want to be thought of like this guy?
And seriously the bible condemns Fornication, honestly who doesn't love sex? Put the fucking bible down and join humanity.

Tell me you wouldn't hit that.
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