Monday, September 20, 2010

Kesha .. No .. I will not use a $.

Ke$ha is a dangerous alcoholic. She should be put in rehab, or jail, or another planet. It's like she was drunk the entire time she was working on her "album". Musically, she is awful; She sounds like she's vomiting the previous nights liquor intake while simultaneously impersonating a wolf having an orgasm. Her IQ is somewhere in between a ham sandwich and a panda. She is exactly what you would expect from someone who believes a dollar sign is interchangeable with an 's'.

**Warning, I vomited several times while putting this post together. Proceed with caution.

Ah Kesha, the embodiment of today's promiscuous, trashy and overly drunk young women.
Some people want to have sex with her.. I don't see it.
She looks more like a man than he does.
She literally offends all 5 of my senses.
I love that she actually looks filthy while bathing.
She is remarkably similar to another man-in-female-pop-stars-clothing that I hate with a burning passion.
My boner will never look at zooey deschanel -- err Katy Perry the same way again - That's like a crime against humanity.
And of course a simple google search turns up a picture of her topless, looking shitfaced .. with a suspicious Clear/white/creamy substance on her chest. Your guess is as good as mine..
In conclusion Ke$ha must be stopped. She might actually be a worse human being than Lady Gaga. I'm convinced that she is the anti-christ.

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