featuring gratuitous alien nudity

In the beginning - The pilot espisode.
On New Year's Eve, 1999, 25-year-old delivery boy Philip J. Fry delivers a pizza to an empty cryogenics lab, falls into a tube and is frozen. For some reason the staff at the cryogenics lab never notices this tube-squatter, and he remains frozen for a thousand years.
Upon Waking up
After awakening in the World of Tomorrow, he meets Leela, a sexy female cyclops with a penchant for kicking ass. He spends some time with The Probulator (yes it is as bad as it sounds), and runs away to avoid being given his Career Chip, which will force him to be a delivery boy for the rest of his life. After nearly killing himself by mistaking a Suicide Booth for an obsolete phone booth, he meets his new best friend, an alchoholic bending robot named Bender. Hilarity ensues as Leela tries to hunt Fry down and force him to submit to being a delivery boy, but eventually the three of them end at the home and place of business of Fry's distant nephew, Professor Farnsworth. Farnsworth offers them all jobs at his interstellar delivery company, Planet Express, and the series gets underway. The Planet Express crew then spend four seasons getting into hilarious escapades, saving the world, and occasionally delivering packages. So Fry willingly becomes a devlivery boy..
Main Characters
Philip J. Fry

Fry is the mother fucking hero of Futurama. Fry's most important characteristic is that he lacks the Delta Brain Wave, which is produced by all other animals, as well as some trees (This birth anamonly gives him the ability to beat the giant brain and save the earth, episode 4.10, "The why of Fry"). It is revealed that he is missing the Delta Brainwave because Fry is his own grandfather (check out episode 3.19, "Roswell That Ends Well," to see Fry banging his Grandma Mildred in 1947). Fry's lifelong ambition has been to go into space, a dream he now gets to fulfill regularly as the official delivery boy of Planet Express. He is good at video games, and bad at everything else. He is madly in love with Leela and pursues her throughout the series.
Bender Bending Rodriguez

A complete list of Bender's incredible exploits would take up far too much space (you should probably watch the series), but here are a few highlights:
Turanga Leela

Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

Dr. John Zoidberg

Hermes Conrad

Amy Wong

Other Characters
Zapp Brannigan and Kif Kroker

Zapp Brannigan, a chubby William Shatner-esque Captain of the Democratic Order of Planets (DOOP) military, despite his disasterous incompetence (basically, he is to military leadership what Zoidberg is to doctoring) and all-around stupidty (He is actually dumber than Fry). The best night of Zapp's life was the night when Leela's good sense was overwhelmed by pity, and she slept with him.
Kif Kroker is Zapp's long-suffering lieutenant and personal assistant (He has been Known to towel off his captain), who is in love with Amy, and even had her babies. Well, technically they were Leela's and he is a man... it's kind of a long story. (Episode 4.01, "Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch").
MomCorp Family Mom is just your average sadistic billionaire disguised as a kindly old lady. She is the CEO and primary shareholder (99.7%) of MomCorp, the parent company of Mom's Friendly Robot Company (manufacturers of Mom's Old Fashioned Robot Oil, and also all of the robots in the world), Mom's Friendly Delivery Company, and Mom's Friendly Advanced Weapons and ammunition Company, among others. She had a relationship with Proffesor Farnsworth when he worked for her. Her three sons, Walt, Ignar, and Larry, are the other shareholders, and are regularly slapped by their mother. To be fair to Mom, they are kind of dumbasses. Ignar, the youngest and dumbest is also the son of Proffesor Farnsworth.
Lrr and Ndnd The rulers of the planet Omicron Persei 8. They have attacked Earth a few times, for reasons as varied as missing the finale of their favorite television show (Single Female Lawyer), and because their children were being eaten as popplers.
Richard M. Nixon's Head Good ole' tricky Dick. President of Earth, and all-around terrifying guy. Let's let him speak for himself: "Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973 but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only one who's changed is me. I've become bitter and, let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat and I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"
Futurama's stint on television
In its original broadcast run, Futurama struggled to find an audience, thanks in part to that famous Fox scheduling incompetence (for more on this, ask any fan of Firefly, Arrested Development, Undeclared, or pretty much any other Fox program that doesn't have the word "Idol" in the title). Matt Groening's suggestion was to air Futurama on Sundays, after The Simpsons, but Fox thought it made more sense to air it there for two weeks and then switch to Tuesdays, then back to Sunday, but at 7pm. Also sometimes it didn't air at all. But we're sure nobody found any of that difficult to keep up with... Fucking Fox.
After four years of this, Fox quietly neglected to renew the show.
Cartoon Network bought the syndication rights for Futurama and began airing it as part of Adult Swim, where it was quite successful, presumably because it was aired at the same time every night and was never replaced by a ten-hour baseball game. (Also it aired at 10 pm - perfect time for the stoner crowd.)
Comedy Central acquired the syndication rights in 2008. In the course of negotiations, they developed four DVD movies, which are also airing on Comedy Central as the 16-episode fifth season.
All four movies are currently available. Fan reaction has been somewhat mixed. Mostly because they treated us like we were fucking ruh-tards (Hangover reference = LAME.. Fuck me.). They made loyal fans pay 30 bucks to buy a movie of a tv show that the fans single handedly brought back to life... Fucking Comedy Central.
But wait, it gets even better!
Futurama is officially getting a sixth season. Comedy Central ordered 26 new episodes that will air in June 2010 - Just 2 years after purchasing the rights to the show and forcing the fans to shell out money for 4 direct-to-dvd movies.
All glory to the hypno-toad
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