..Not 1, but 2 dick cakes... Ok, I have some amazing moms coming up, instant hall of fame worthy moms. It was tough deciding which one to bring to the table today. But this classy lady, takes the cake (ouch, what was that? A pun? Ouch).
Seriously, the slut moms are easy, this one is new - the "instructional slut mom". Its nice that she is teaching racial harmony, but with dick? The little girl quite honestly looks pretty freaked out - yet nobody seems to care. Her first memory of cock will be of her mom sucking on one, thats sad - sad, sick, and fucking gross.
Nothing says classy like a cleavage picture of you deep throating a cake cock in front of your little girl.
..And on a second look, it appears that the other 2 people in the picture are also sub-18 year olds (a 15-17 year old girl in the back and what looks like an 8-13 year old boy cut off on the right). WTF? An adult themed party and only kids are invited? Now it almost feels wrong to use this picture. Somthing in that scene has to be illegal.
To be fair, she wasn't deep throating .... :P no, but this is seriously disturbing. Seriously.