Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Contribution.

Yes, again, my favorite person Krissy Chubbuck, has put together something else for me. Although, unsolicited this time, so I feel less bad about not paying her.

Make pancakes, not war.

There's plenty of takes on the "Make ****, not war". But this is my own interpretation. Basically, I'm a fat asshole and I love pancakes. And despite my complete disregard/empathy/compassion for people, I do value human life, slightly. (Of course, as stated before, stupid people don't count, I fucking hate stupid people, they're not real people like you and I.)



  1. Umm kinda love it, kinda confused. Stumbled

  2. dude. ive been craving pancakes like a pro lately. its not going to be pretty when steph comes home and i force her into the kitchen for 100 years.

    but it will be better than war.

  3. Can we force her in to the kitchen for 101 years so I can get in on this meal of a lifetime?
