Thursday, December 9, 2010

COD Black Ops, Prestige.

Like 20 million other people, I've sold my soul to Call Of Duty. And like all those other people I keep leveling up in Black Ops (COD 7), only to prestige, drop back to level 1, and have to start all over. So, until you get to prestige 15 yourself, here's what you get along the way... It really isn't worth it, we're all fools.

4, 5, 11, 13, and 14 get my vote.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops, players are able to enter Prestige Mode at the rank of 50. The maximum number of Prestige levels is 15.


The player gets to keep reticles, emblems, and backgrounds. If the player bought the ability to add their emblem or clan tag to a weapon, then they will retain that ability but won't be able to use it until they reach the level required.
The player's COD Points balance prior to prestiging will be reset to 0 COD Points. Also, everything apart from the things mentioned above are reset and must be repurchased; Pro versions of perks must be unlocked again, which can be a real downside if many in-game hours and manual labor were put into getting Pro versions.

The following are unlocked upon achieving the required prestige level in Call of Duty Black Ops:

Prestige LevelUnlock
Prestige 1Prestige Leaderboard, Prestige Team Deathmatch, Custom Class 6, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 2New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 3Custom Class 7, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 4New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 5Custom Class 8, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 6New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 7Custom Class 9, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 8New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 9Custom Class 10, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 10New Emblem, New Background, Prestige Hardcore
Prestige 11Face Paints, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 12New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 13Clan Tag Colors, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 14Golden Camouflage, New Emblem, New Background
Prestige 15Prestige Pure, New Emblem, New Background

Yeah, not worth, but I'll keep aiming for level 15 until I get sick of the game.


  1. I suck too much to get to Prestige. Mind you I don't even have an xbox yet so I only play with my friends who are better than me and they kill me all the time so I can't really get many points. Douchelords.

    I don't think I could be bothered with Prestige, the title. I'd rather the prestige of lots of points and other crap.

  2. I've prestiged twice - close to 3. I have no life. But I do have a girlfriend, so I think it equals out.
