Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Miley Cyrus Or Dr. Greenthumb?

You go Miley. Fuck that innocent Disney child star shit.

Miley should get together with B-real to do a track together. Hits From The Bong .. In The Usa, maybe?


  1. I was not surprised to see this. Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with this. At least it's legal, you know?

  2. Sure thing!
    Tis legal, so whats wrong with her smoking it? Shes 18!

  3. Im fucking lost. I definitely have an unblemished record of being against prohibition of pot. And I dont blame Miley, smoke all you want, its not her fault a "friend" made a video in a private residence and sold it. So I dont want to hear the parents bitching about role model shit. But where the hell is it legal?

    Oh wait, I just rememebered (After typing the above) that there are claims that its salvia shes smoking. Salvia is terrible, it absolutely should be illegal. I've had it, you dont laugh after you hit that shit, you shit yourself and feel like your head is going to explode. That definitely wasnt salvia.
